Tuesday 15 April 2014

You've Got the Power!

Don't ever underestimate your presence in another person's life. You have the power to impact another life in a way only YOU can. Don't sell yourself short.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Find Your Key

Sometimes you get those people who say just the right thing in the right moment. They ask the right questions and just like that, they unlock you from the shackles of human affliction.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Birds of a Feather...

Find people who are as enthused and as passionate about the same aspects of life that you are. It's no use being around people who constantly trivialise the things you care about. That won't do at all.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Your Dreams > People's Opinions

You are going to have to disappoint and offend a number of people in the pursuit of your dream. You are going to have to make a few people uncomfortable in the pursuit of your own comfort.

Friday 21 February 2014


Won't be posting for a few weeks. Going through the suck & it unfortunately has me lost for words. Just in need of a little r&r . Construction will resume soon. =]